Posts » Art & Design
Time goes on
Today marks one year since my grandfather took his last shuddering breath of air in this life. In a few hours, I’ll be going to a memorial mass in his honor with my family. It’s still a bit hard to accept that he’s gone. When I go to visit my parents, I still wish a… Continued »
Desktop Freebies!
Hey, everyone! Back from four sad days in Florida comforting my mother-in-law. It’s some sad business, but when is death ever not sad, honestly? I think that Christian’s mom is in good hands and has got some good friends who are looking out for her, and of course, I am the world’s bestestest wife, so… Continued »
Sailor Moon on the brain
You could say that I’ve had Sailor Moon on the brain pretty much since I was a senior in high school. Fall of 1995 was when Sailor Moon started showing up on TV (and also when the noseless dolls started showing up on store shelves). Like a lot of people, it didn’t matter that the… Continued »
Upcoming changes to Supermeow
This post is probably more for my own edification than anyone else’s. Now that I’ve got a little bit of downtime, I can work on some of the things that I’ve been putting off for a while. One of those things is come up with a good mobile browser style sheet for this here blog…. Continued »
Keep on moving on, I keep on moving on
What a year. What a month! It’s been nine days and this month of a little over a week feels like a lot more. Lots has been going on: my father had (successful) double-bypass heart surgery, our home continues to be worth five dollars, I haven’t been feeling so good, aaaagh! Quite a lot. In… Continued »