Posts » Japanese Character Franchises
Time goes on
Today marks one year since my grandfather took his last shuddering breath of air in this life. In a few hours, I’ll be going to a memorial mass in his honor with my family. It’s still a bit hard to accept that he’s gone. When I go to visit my parents, I still wish a… Continued »
Sailor Moon on the brain

You could say that I’ve had Sailor Moon on the brain pretty much since I was a senior in high school. Fall of 1995 was when Sailor Moon started showing up on TV (and also when the noseless dolls started showing up on store shelves). Like a lot of people, it didn’t matter that the… Continued »
I know how to do something new!
Last week at work, I learned how to make WordPress themes. Yeah, cutting-edge. Bleeding-edge, I daresay. Anyhow, I may try to apply this knowledge to this blog. That nobody reads but me. SIGH… The things taking up the majority of my time aside from work are the Anime Boston program guide and preparing for a… Continued »
Solid Snake’s official favorite band = Cheap Trick: Make it happen
ATTENTION! This is easily the most important thing ever said on the internet. Please drop what you are doing and give this post your full and unswerving attention. Even if you messed your pants just now, suck it up until you’re done reading. I urge you.
The perfect machine of snipe

Perfect machine of snipe? Wouldn’t that be, like, Golgo 13?