Posts » websites
Sailor Moon on the brain

You could say that I’ve had Sailor Moon on the brain pretty much since I was a senior in high school. Fall of 1995 was when Sailor Moon started showing up on TV (and also when the noseless dolls started showing up on store shelves). Like a lot of people, it didn’t matter that the… Continued »
Upcoming changes to Supermeow
This post is probably more for my own edification than anyone else’s. Now that I’ve got a little bit of downtime, I can work on some of the things that I’ve been putting off for a while. One of those things is come up with a good mobile browser style sheet for this here blog…. Continued »
Keep on moving on, I keep on moving on
What a year. What a month! It’s been nine days and this month of a little over a week feels like a lot more. Lots has been going on: my father had (successful) double-bypass heart surgery, our home continues to be worth five dollars, I haven’t been feeling so good, aaaagh! Quite a lot. In… Continued »
A new Supermeow
I’ve recently picked up the necessary skillset needed to make my own WordPress themes. Having done a couple for work, I’m now ready to do one for myself. It’s going to make heavy use of CSS3 stuff and will probably look like ass in Internet Explorer, but you know what? I don’t care. Barely anyone… Continued »
When I do things that don’t involve cooking
After pledging to do this for about five years, I’ve started to collect all of the websites, illustrations, posters, and other publications or products I’ve made and assemble these together in portfolio fashion. Looking at things I did ten years ago or more (or less) is interesting and often cringe-worthy. My favorite thing is stumbling… Continued »