Posts » Dolls
Wish Fulfillment

It’s been a rough couple of years. My house is sold. I’m living with my elderly parents. The world is ravaged by pandemic with stops and starts: one country’s period of hope is another’s entry or re-entry into the nightmare. Finding work hasn’t been easy. I’m learning a lot about myself and I don’t like… Continued »
My new “thing”

Happy New Year! This year will be like the others, wherein I update sporadically and it’s cool because like three people even read the blog. Let’s be realistic!!! So, I have discovered a new thing that I enjoy doing, and that thing is embroidery. Last month, I took a class on embroidery basics at Gather… Continued »
Time goes on
Today marks one year since my grandfather took his last shuddering breath of air in this life. In a few hours, I’ll be going to a memorial mass in his honor with my family. It’s still a bit hard to accept that he’s gone. When I go to visit my parents, I still wish a… Continued »
Dal frenzy!

Christian and I had some business at Animadness yesterday for a few hours, so in that time, I was trapped in a smallish space with a lot of dolls. How was I to resist? In that time, I made my Dal wishlist decrease by 2 with the additions of Charlotte and Melize as an early… Continued »
Wanted: Have you seen this doll?

Hi there! Decided to make a sticky post about this. I am always in pursuit of this doll, Takara Sweetpop Barbie, circa 1983. Let me know if you see this doll and I will make overtures to buy it. I recently talked about this doll over in this post. Sadly, I had an opportunity to… Continued »