Posts » Illustration
Anime Boston Artists’ Alley 2012: Home Stretch
Each year, I’ve come to depend on my federal tax return arriving around the time that Anime Boston takes place. This year, it’s not showing up until the Tuesday following the convention. What this means for me is that I wasn’t able to make all of the things that I’d hoped to make (specifically, button… Continued »
Desktop Freebies!
Hey, everyone! Back from four sad days in Florida comforting my mother-in-law. It’s some sad business, but when is death ever not sad, honestly? I think that Christian’s mom is in good hands and has got some good friends who are looking out for her, and of course, I am the world’s bestestest wife, so… Continued »
A neat drawin’ tool
Courtesy of a Livejournal post by my pal EK, here’s a sketch I did on this neat web application called Odosketch. It’s this spiffy Flash-based drawin’ board and comes from the design agency Odopod. I also did a sketch of Ga-ko, my beloved clock and first wedding anniversary present from my husband. I love stuff… Continued »