Wish Fulfillment

It’s been a rough couple of years. My house is sold. I’m living with my elderly parents. The world is ravaged by pandemic with stops and starts: one country’s period of hope is another’s entry or re-entry into the nightmare. Finding work hasn’t been easy. I’m learning a lot about myself and I don’t like… Continued »
On discovering witchcraft at 40

H-hey there! It’s only been what, two years? You know how they say life can change in an instant? Well, they ain’t kidding! That happy marriage? That stable career? Gone! Good health? Blammo! I was raped in February and I was diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) last month. You’ll see the word “carcinoma”… Continued »
The Great Nail Blogging Experiment of 2016.

I’ve been having lots of nail fun for a long time. Most of those posts don’t go any further than Facebook, which is friends-onlay because I feel weird about people that I have not specifically invited into my life seeing stupid things that I post about my life. Anyhow, a post about voyeurism is a… Continued »
I’m updating this blog after over a year just so I can have a chance to win something
Hi! Well, life is full of life, isn’t it! Here I am, trying to do all sorts of life-living, but I am also gratuitously and blatantly trying to win something for a highly good cause, my always-favorite charity: the National Multiple Sclerosis Society of Greater New England. I still have multiple sclerosis. What I don’t… Continued »
Tales from the Crypt

That Mara, she’ll go months without updating this! Well, let’s see… I’ve got some more embroidery in the pipeline, I’ll be at Anime Boston 2015 per usual in the artists alley joined by the lovely and talented Nicole Peterson and Valerie Cabral and playing lots of Bikini Kill all weekend from my iPad. Progress on… Continued »