Posts » Food
I’m sick and I made something to eat

Today, I’m posting here for two reasons: one is because I’ve installed some new plugins that I want to test out, the other is because I have a food photo to share, and the other is to disclose what illness plagues me right now. As I’ve previously disclosed, my immune system is all kinds of… Continued »
“My goodness, where have YOU been?”

Where, indeed. Well, the short answer is that my health hasn’t been very great. I’d been on Tysabri since last September. Tysabri, if you don’t keep pace with MS treatments, is this monthly infusion that one gets of antibodies that are supposed to help make your immune system not attack your brain as though it… Continued »
First post of 2012: Food presents

Happy New Year! I spent most of the month of December feeling thoroughly overwhelmed and anxious. I am genuinely pleased that 2011 is over, and I’ve got a lot of optimism for 2012 to not suck so hard. Still, I worked myself into a bit of a tizzy in December. Without going into details, there… Continued »
Continued adventures of Cooking Mara
You trust a blog post about food that doesn’t have pictures, right? Ugh. Well, I’ll describe some of the noteworthy stuff that I made this past weekend. First up: slow-cooker pulled turkey. A while back, Whole Foods had boneless skinless turkey breast on special, so we bought one and put it in the freezer for… Continued »
Let’s make more things that the husband won’t eat
Today, it was delicious water flavored with fiber and mint for dinner, with just a touch of olive oil. When I was searching for red quinoa recipes, I happened upon this recipe in the LA Times from last year and thought wow, that is simple and delicious-sounding, so I made it. I had an English… Continued »