Posts » Art & Design
The Supermeow! Shop: What is it?
Have you ever participated in an artists’ alley-type show where you had a bunch of stuff to sell and then had a bunch of stuff left over? Did you also decide to try selling this stuff online afterwards? Did you ever want to pretend that you were a shop owner with an apron and a… Continued »
Anime Boston 2011 (or, “My Weekend Mostly in my Hotel Room”)
So, that last blog post I made on Wednesday where I mentioned not feeling well? Yeah. Well. That blew up into what was diagnosed as a really bad cold on Thursday at urgent care and then a viral or bacterial infection on Saturday evening at urgent care. What it meant was closing down my artists’… Continued »
More of the best stuff I got
Hello! It is the Wednesday before Anime Boston and I am attempting to stave off pre-con crud by relaxing at home with some members of the BRAT diet and ample cold medicine. Since lying around is only interesting for so long, I thought I’d try to take some more descriptive photos of some of the… Continued »
“What’s the best stuff you got?”
For those who’ve asked “WHAT ELSE ARE YOU SELLING?!?!” with regard to my AA table, here’s a sneaky preview! Behold my Solid Snake’s Favorite Band is Cheap Trick buttonery, which shall be sold for the handsome price of $2 US. They’re square, but YOU won’t be considered one with this rad button. Comes packaged with… Continued »
The Doomsday Clock is always set five to midnight
The clock is ticking and I am in a mad dash to complete the stuff that I’d like to sell at my table in the Anime Boston 2011 Artists’ Alley. I realized that I’ve been talking about this Artists’ Alley but haven’t really explained what it is. For the benefit of those who may not… Continued »