Posts » Living & Travelling
On discovering witchcraft at 40

H-hey there! It’s only been what, two years? You know how they say life can change in an instant? Well, they ain’t kidding! That happy marriage? That stable career? Gone! Good health? Blammo! I was raped in February and I was diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) last month. You’ll see the word “carcinoma”… Continued »
Tales from the Crypt

That Mara, she’ll go months without updating this! Well, let’s see… I’ve got some more embroidery in the pipeline, I’ll be at Anime Boston 2015 per usual in the artists alley joined by the lovely and talented Nicole Peterson and Valerie Cabral and playing lots of Bikini Kill all weekend from my iPad. Progress on… Continued »
“My goodness, where have YOU been?”

Where, indeed. Well, the short answer is that my health hasn’t been very great. I’d been on Tysabri since last September. Tysabri, if you don’t keep pace with MS treatments, is this monthly infusion that one gets of antibodies that are supposed to help make your immune system not attack your brain as though it… Continued »
Good News from Architecture for Humanity!
You guys may remember that I’ve been donating all of the monies earned from sales of my Sailor Moon button six-packs to Architecture for Humanity’s rebuilding efforts in Japan. Well, I got an e-mail update yesterday reporting that they’ve completed their first project! Here’s the body of the message below: We are very excited to… Continued »
It’s my birthday! It’s my birthday!

Today is my birthday! Me me! I’m a birthday girl! I begin this day with a sticky bun obtained yesterday afternoon from Flour Bakery in Central Square. What else shall this day hold?