Posts » anime boston
Anime Boston Artists’ Alley 2012: Home Stretch
Each year, I’ve come to depend on my federal tax return arriving around the time that Anime Boston takes place. This year, it’s not showing up until the Tuesday following the convention. What this means for me is that I wasn’t able to make all of the things that I’d hoped to make (specifically, button… Continued »
Time goes on
Today marks one year since my grandfather took his last shuddering breath of air in this life. In a few hours, I’ll be going to a memorial mass in his honor with my family. It’s still a bit hard to accept that he’s gone. When I go to visit my parents, I still wish a… Continued »
Anime Boston 2011 (or, “My Weekend Mostly in my Hotel Room”)
So, that last blog post I made on Wednesday where I mentioned not feeling well? Yeah. Well. That blew up into what was diagnosed as a really bad cold on Thursday at urgent care and then a viral or bacterial infection on Saturday evening at urgent care. What it meant was closing down my artists’… Continued »
More of the best stuff I got
Hello! It is the Wednesday before Anime Boston and I am attempting to stave off pre-con crud by relaxing at home with some members of the BRAT diet and ample cold medicine. Since lying around is only interesting for so long, I thought I’d try to take some more descriptive photos of some of the… Continued »
“What’s the best stuff you got?”
For those who’ve asked “WHAT ELSE ARE YOU SELLING?!?!” with regard to my AA table, here’s a sneaky preview! Behold my Solid Snake’s Favorite Band is Cheap Trick buttonery, which shall be sold for the handsome price of $2 US. They’re square, but YOU won’t be considered one with this rad button. Comes packaged with… Continued »