Posts » anime boston
The Doomsday Clock is always set five to midnight
The clock is ticking and I am in a mad dash to complete the stuff that I’d like to sell at my table in the Anime Boston 2011 Artists’ Alley. I realized that I’ve been talking about this Artists’ Alley but haven’t really explained what it is. For the benefit of those who may not… Continued »
Raising money for charity

EDIT, 4/6/11: Updated charities to receive donation monies. It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything to the blog, but I’ve got a pretty fair excuse, albeit a sad one. In January, my grandfather hurt himself by slipping on the icy driveway after a bad snowstorm, and one thing led to another, and while he… Continued »
How to keep creating when your hand starts to go gimpy

(Short answer: Illustrator) One of the bummers of multiple sclerosis was the moment last December when I woke up and realized that my right hand wasn’t really working. I could barely hold a pen. Writing was weird/uncoordinated, using a mouse took effort, and typing? It was a really upsetting time. I had a three-day round… Continued »
I know how to do something new!
Last week at work, I learned how to make WordPress themes. Yeah, cutting-edge. Bleeding-edge, I daresay. Anyhow, I may try to apply this knowledge to this blog. That nobody reads but me. SIGH… The things taking up the majority of my time aside from work are the Anime Boston program guide and preparing for a… Continued »
A real post, not a Twitter update
It’s a real live post! Really! I work on two conventions – Anime Boston and Providence Anime Conference. I’ve worked for Anime Boston since its humble beginnings back in 2003 as a security minion, working under one of my old and dear friends, Andrea. In 2010, I am the assistant manager of Publications, working under… Continued »