
More of the best stuff I got

Hello! It is the Wednesday before Anime Boston and I am attempting to stave off pre-con crud by relaxing at home with some members of the BRAT diet and ample cold medicine. Since lying around is only interesting for so long, I thought I’d try to take some more descriptive photos of some of the stuff I’ll be selling at Anime Boston this weekend…

Here's all the stuff that wasn't pictured or not pictured well in my last post.

As previously mentioned, there will be some buttons and Mother’s Day cards. Along with the six-packs of, uh, Japanese mid-nineties-anime-with-sailor-suited-solider buttons, there’s a solo button of this 10% different-from-original-character’s first transformation locket, used to transform herself from a regular girl with a borderline personality into a super princess with no serious character flaws. Hooray! All yours for $1.50.

First season transformation brooch - design printed on acetate over metallic button to look, you know, metallic.

NEXT UP! Here is a fine cardboard box button that should have been sold alongside a certain comic that never got made, unfortunately, but I offer this to you! Proudly proclaim the common knowledge ((Not actually common knowledge or true, but wouldn’t it make sense given that he would have been a teenager during the eighties?)) that Solid Snake’s favorite band is Cheap Trick! Do it for $2. Do you have any square buttons of your own? Don’t you feel that you need this one? I do.

Solid Snake's Favorite Band is Cheap Trick. Did you know that? Now you do.

For those who haven’t ever had me carefully explain the difference between Ukraine and Russia and how Ukrainians are misidentified as being Russian, here’s one where I’M TAKING IT BACK: it’s a matryoshka button printed on a shimmery paper. $1.50!

Mother's Day cards front.

Still sticking with the theme of TAKING IT BACK, here is a mama matryoshka with her daughter matryoshka. Maybe it’s a boy, maybe he shuns all notions of gender identity and doesn’t care. Either way, you can work that out. This is a fancy homemade Mother’s Day card made by yours truly on ivory card stock, coming with a matching envelope featuring a traditional Ukrainian floral motif. $3 is the price you pay for remembering your poor mother this May.

Finally, because I needed one more print to sell framed, I created this sexy portrait of Major Motoko Kusanagi of Ghost in the Shell.

Hey, your strap slipped!

The model used for reference was Christina Hendricks (thanks, Google image search!) because Kusanagi’s real boobs offend me. It looks like her shoulder is itchy. $15 framed and signed!

As Ernie Boch Sr. famously said, come on down! Not his kid, though, because his kid is a peon with a vanity band and can go suck it.
