Posts » metal gear solid
How to keep creating when your hand starts to go gimpy

(Short answer: Illustrator) One of the bummers of multiple sclerosis was the moment last December when I woke up and realized that my right hand wasn’t really working. I could barely hold a pen. Writing was weird/uncoordinated, using a mouse took effort, and typing? It was a really upsetting time. I had a three-day round… Continued »
Dal frenzy!

Christian and I had some business at Animadness yesterday for a few hours, so in that time, I was trapped in a smallish space with a lot of dolls. How was I to resist? In that time, I made my Dal wishlist decrease by 2 with the additions of Charlotte and Melize as an early… Continued »
Here’s a list of the dolls I like; this list is the list of the dolls I like
It’s getting close to the end of the day, so I’m a bit restless. Time to explore dolls.
I know how to do something new!
Last week at work, I learned how to make WordPress themes. Yeah, cutting-edge. Bleeding-edge, I daresay. Anyhow, I may try to apply this knowledge to this blog. That nobody reads but me. SIGH… The things taking up the majority of my time aside from work are the Anime Boston program guide and preparing for a… Continued »
Figumate Sweet Snake
Oh, look! “Made in Hell!” [flickr]set:72157612356149791[/flickr] I expected that these were going to be Pinky-sized, but they’re a bit smaller. I haven’t taken them out of their packaging. I’m not sure I want to do that. They’re going to stay, but man, they’re… these are pretty horrible.