Posts » Barbie
Wish Fulfillment
It’s been a rough couple of years. My house is sold. I’m living with my elderly parents. The world is ravaged by pandemic with stops and starts: one country’s period of hope is another’s entry or re-entry into the nightmare. Finding work hasn’t been easy. I’m learning a lot about myself and I don’t like… Continued »
Wanted: Have you seen this doll?
Hi there! Decided to make a sticky post about this. I am always in pursuit of this doll, Takara Sweetpop Barbie, circa 1983. Let me know if you see this doll and I will make overtures to buy it. I recently talked about this doll over in this post. Sadly, I had an opportunity to… Continued »
The Barbie I’ve Wanted Since Age 7
Stop me if you’ve heard this before, but the reason I became interested in Japanese cartoons and comics was because I was first interested in Japanese Barbie. In the early eighties, Barbie was not so well-received over in Japan. Nobody was keen on the toothy smile and big boobs of Superstar Barbie. Takara acquired the… Continued »
Dolls that I need to own
Well, I know what I want for Christmas… These are all real Barbies that can really be pre-ordered. Really! They’re from the “Ladies of the 80s” series of Barbies. There is no mention of them on the Barbie collector website, but they are available for preorder on Amazon. There’s Cyndi Lauper, Debbie Harry, and Joan… Continued »
All zero of you reading this besides me can rest easy now that I’ve moved to a new web host. Hooray! Today was the annual nerd-friends-gather at Prairie and Mike’s, where among other wonderful gifts I received a dang Aero Garden and the latest Hello Kitty Barbie. The Aero Garden is something that I’ve… Continued »