A new Supermeow
I’ve recently picked up the necessary skillset needed to make my own WordPress themes. Having done a couple for work, I’m now ready to do one for myself. It’s going to make heavy use of CSS3 stuff and will probably look like ass in Internet Explorer, but you know what? I don’t care. Barely anyone… Continued »
Colorful and/or tiny variations of ordinary produce
I am always really delighted to see produce that comes in colors other than what is typically thought of when thinking of said produce. The first one that comes to mind is my sheer delight in coming across a whole bag of Peruvian potatoes a couple years ago. I made them into mashed potatoes and… Continued »
Driving cars to fight MS
Though I did participate in an MS Walk a few years ago, when I got an e-mail from the National Multiple Sclerosis Society about their MS Auto Rally, I was intrigued. Could this be an experience on par with the action depicted in the fine feature film Midnight Madness? Well, I am hoping so, at… Continued »
My doll is pretty
Once upon a time, not a single day would go by where I’d not browse Den of Angels, the mega-forum for people who like Asian ball-jointed dolls, nor would I pass up a chance to go to a company-hosted party in New York City for owners of dolls made by a certain company for the… Continued »
Recipe in development: Sausage cooked with many ingredients
A couple months ago or so, I went to my mom’s house where she made something rather fantastic for dinner. She told me that she’d been making such a thing for herself and my father a lot recently. She took sweet and hot Italian sausage and cooked them with garlic, sliced white onions, strips of… Continued »