Nice to see you!

Gonna make this quick: this Saturday, August 30, you can see some of my fine embroidery for sale at Hub Comics in an art show! Look, this is the art. It will cost $200. The reception’s from 7-9PM, and the show will run through the month of September.
It is time.

It’s time both for a long overdue update and some photos, that is! Here’s how I’ve spent the past couple of months preparing for Anime Boston 2013: with a lot of stress, that’s how! Embroidery is simultaneously really relaxing and really frustrating when you note how much time you’ve put into a project only for… Continued »
My new “thing”

Happy New Year! This year will be like the others, wherein I update sporadically and it’s cool because like three people even read the blog. Let’s be realistic!!! So, I have discovered a new thing that I enjoy doing, and that thing is embroidery. Last month, I took a class on embroidery basics at Gather… Continued »
I’m sick and I made something to eat

Today, I’m posting here for two reasons: one is because I’ve installed some new plugins that I want to test out, the other is because I have a food photo to share, and the other is to disclose what illness plagues me right now. As I’ve previously disclosed, my immune system is all kinds of… Continued »
“My goodness, where have YOU been?”

Where, indeed. Well, the short answer is that my health hasn’t been very great. I’d been on Tysabri since last September. Tysabri, if you don’t keep pace with MS treatments, is this monthly infusion that one gets of antibodies that are supposed to help make your immune system not attack your brain as though it… Continued »