“What’s the best stuff you got?”

For those who’ve asked “WHAT ELSE ARE YOU SELLING?!?!” with regard to my AA table, here’s a sneaky preview! Behold my Solid Snake’s Favorite Band is Cheap Trick buttonery, which shall be sold for the handsome price of $2 US. They’re square, but YOU won’t be considered one with this rad button. Comes packaged with… Continued »
The Doomsday Clock is always set five to midnight
The clock is ticking and I am in a mad dash to complete the stuff that I’d like to sell at my table in the Anime Boston 2011 Artists’ Alley. I realized that I’ve been talking about this Artists’ Alley but haven’t really explained what it is. For the benefit of those who may not… Continued »
Raising money for charity

EDIT, 4/6/11: Updated charities to receive donation monies. It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything to the blog, but I’ve got a pretty fair excuse, albeit a sad one. In January, my grandfather hurt himself by slipping on the icy driveway after a bad snowstorm, and one thing led to another, and while he… Continued »
Fat acceptance?

Before I even started to write this post, I wanted to find a good image to accompany it, so off I went to istockphoto.com. I entered the search string “beautiful fat woman.” 1 result! “Fat woman” yielded many more. Lots of photos of women dieting, overweight women surrounded by food, overweight women next to slimmer… Continued »
Need to use up these leftovers + “Ouch! My leg!”

So, as I’ve mentioned, I’ve been hittin’ the gym and last night, I got a good lesson in why it’s important to stretch before and after you start working out. My right leg and occasionally my arm keep spasming with seemingly no provocation (like spasming when at rest). Maybe I’m making the smallest movements that… Continued »