Upcoming changes to Supermeow
This post is probably more for my own edification than anyone else’s. Now that I’ve got a little bit of downtime, I can work on some of the things that I’ve been putting off for a while. One of those things is come up with a good mobile browser style sheet for this here blog…. Continued »
Continued adventures of Cooking Mara
You trust a blog post about food that doesn’t have pictures, right? Ugh. Well, I’ll describe some of the noteworthy stuff that I made this past weekend. First up: slow-cooker pulled turkey. A while back, Whole Foods had boneless skinless turkey breast on special, so we bought one and put it in the freezer for… Continued »
Let’s make more things that the husband won’t eat
Today, it was delicious water flavored with fiber and mint for dinner, with just a touch of olive oil. When I was searching for red quinoa recipes, I happened upon this recipe in the LA Times from last year and thought wow, that is simple and delicious-sounding, so I made it. I had an English… Continued »
Husband’s out of town, time to cook things that he hates!

So! My husband is out of town for a bachelor party in the woods (the indoor kids rented a cabin in the Poconoes so that they can stay inside playing video and board games, makes sense, I guess), so that means it’s time to roll out food that he hates. Food that he hates includes,… Continued »
Keep on moving on, I keep on moving on
What a year. What a month! It’s been nine days and this month of a little over a week feels like a lot more. Lots has been going on: my father had (successful) double-bypass heart surgery, our home continues to be worth five dollars, I haven’t been feeling so good, aaaagh! Quite a lot. In… Continued »