Roasted Cauliflower Soup
I made this from looking at a couple of Martha Stewart recipes. I took the parts I liked, discared the others, and came up with this rad soup.
Metal Gear Solid 4: MGS4 LBP Packs Hit December 23 For Americans
Metal Gear Solid 4: MGS4 LBP Packs Hit December 23 For Americans. I just decided that I am also going to include video games in my bloggin’ coverage. I am absolutely insane about Metal Gear Solid. I’ve declared Solid Snake to be my internet boyfriend. We still don’t have LBP, but I played a bit… Continued »
Momoko: Elusive dream addition
There have been many Momokos over the years who have dazzled me, but the past four years have been all Super Dollfie, all the time. Now that I’m not so keen on growing my collection any larger, I’m coming back around to Barbies (as seen in my first post). That also makes my Momoko itch… Continued »
I realize that Ga-ko is old news. Still, I felt like I needed to share. [flickr]set:72157606589814088[/flickr] My husband got Ga-ko for me as a first year wedding anniversary present. When I was watching him play MGS4, I was pretty delighted by the scene with Sunny and Naomi making eggs together. They used this very clock… Continued »
Barbie’s 50th anniversary
I am seriously jazzed about the reproduction Barbies that will be available from Mattel to celebrate Barbie’s 50th anniversary. The ones I’m looking forward to most are Superstar Barbie and Most Mod Party Becky. Becky is especially a must-have. Over thirty years in the making, this one. Very excited to see her. I also would… Continued »