Roslindale Day
Today was the day of the Roslindale Day Parade, in honor of the strong military power that is the Boston neighborhood of Roslindale. They bust out the official Roslindale ICBM and children run aside it. Actually, none of that’s true. It’s mostly a place for local politicians, dance schools, veterans’ organizations, banks, and other youth… Continued »
The new Supermeow!

I’ve been home sick for the past couple days and I have finally finished the fancy new WordPress theme that I’ve been working on for the past couple of months, and I’m fairly proud of it. Fairly. It’s always a good feeling when you pick up a new skill set! I made use of some… Continued »
Scratch-making ketchup

Note: I originally wrote this on September 19 and didn’t get around to publishing this until now. Oops. Tomorrow is my husband Christian’s birthday. He doesn’t know this yet, but I am planning to surprise him with some dinner! I’m making him a meatloaf an’ mashed potato dinner with gravy and creamed spinach as a… Continued »
Today’s lunch: tostones with mojito, Daisy Martinez-style

Since my father’s got my camera and my cell phone battery is dead (and the charger is at work), I had to use the camera on my iMac to get this picture of my super-fragrant, super-delicious lunch. My mother recently discovered Daisy Martinez’s cooking program on PBS. She’d fallen in love with Daisy’s food and… Continued »
8 years of multiple sclerosis today
Eight years ago today, I found out that I probably had multiple sclerosis.