Posts » Living & Travelling
The Friendly Toast in Cambridge
Tonight was the fourth time we’ve given the Friendly Toast in Kendall a shot at our dining dollars. So far, it’s been pretty inconsistent. I maintain that the one in Portsmouth was better in terms of food quality, service, and consistency; husband says it was just as inconsistent The mojito milkshake in Portsmouth is full… Continued »
Crazy winter storm
[flickr]set:72157622911591359[/flickr] There was a nutty storm overnight. I am told that we didn’t get it nearly as bad as they did elsewhere on the coast of the Atlantic, and judging by photos I’ve seen, this is nuthin’. I was pretty sick this past week from various and sundry MS-related symptoms and treatments, so I don’t… Continued »
Cures for the South Shore
In 2005, my husband and I got really fed up with hauling our laundry around town. real tired. We had pretty much outgrown our apartment in Somerville before we moved in, but so in love were we with the neighborhood, the price, and the place itself that we made do. We had a nice yard,… Continued »