
First bento

It’s pretty crummy. It can’t be good from the start, right?

First Bento!

First Bento!

Even the photos I took came out crummy, unfortunately. However, it’s tasty. I know this because I’m eating it now. The spinach and the cucumber is wonderful. I do wish I’d had some extra soy sauce for the spinach as suggested, though. I’m going to make both of these again. They were so easy and so tasty. I wish I had packed more of both, though.  The onigiri is… heaven.  Wow, so good. I’m now done with lunch and on to my peaches, and I’m worried that I’m not going to feel full after this. Tomorrow, I’m definitely going to take more veggies. I’d like to get a two-layer bento box so I can make one layer nothing but vegetables and one like half protein/starch to half vegetables. I’ll probably go stop by Kotobukiya after work for nori, furikake, maybe see what else inspires.

Update: Actually, wouldn’t you know, that was filling! Yay!
