An Open Letter To David Hayter
Dear Mr. Hayter:
httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zYapmRsNZE Takarazuka, the all-ladies-all-the-time musical stage troupe from Japan, did a production based on Phoenix Wright, known to them as Gyakuten Saiban. I hope I spelled that right. I’d enjoy this more if it wasn’t so… serious. They play it a bit too straight to be “ha ha ha, that’s so goofy!” I’d go see… Continued »
Your very own handwriting, made into a font
Thanks to my pal Nicole who posted the link to this website this morning. At YourFonts, they pledge to turn your handwriting into a usable font file… for FREE! I wasted no time in making a font based on my handwriting. Voici! It’s not perfect, and adjustments need to be made for certain so that… Continued »
Oatmeal raisin cookies and the Presidential Wii
The 44th President of the United States has a fancy Wii station. He also gives cookies to Republicans. Sources: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/05/us/politics/04web-zeleny.html?_r=4&hp http://kotaku.com/5147670/presidential-wii-resides-in-the-white-houses-east-wing
Action Obama
No less than three people have already sent me this link. Now I share it here: http://gamu-toys.info/sonota/sw/obama/obama.html So, it would seem that someone, not sure if it’s a customizer or if this is someone who’s going to make more than one, has made this rad Obama doll. It is 2008 election-style Obama, as best I… Continued »